Robin: Holy Bibles, Batman! What a wild chapter!

Batman: You're right, Robin. This chapter of Revelation is full of prophetic messages.

The Riddler: Not so fast, you dynamic duo! What does this chapter say?

Robin: Well, Riddler, it starts off with a letter to the Church of Sardis. Then it moves on to the Church of Philadelphia, encouraging them to stay faithful to the Lord.

Batman: Yes, Robin. It also mentions that the Lord will keep those who are faithful safe from the hour of trial that will come upon the whole world.

Catwoman: It sounds pretty serious! What else does it say?

Robin: It talks about the coming of the King of Glory, who will be victorious over all his enemies.

Batman: And it says that those who are victorious will be dressed in white robes, and their names will be written in the Book of Life.

The Joker: Wow, this chapter sounds ominous! What else?

Robin: It also says that the Lord will open a door that no one can shut and will shut a door that no one can open.

Batman: Yes, that's right. It's an encouraging reminder that the Lord is in control of all things.

The Penguin: What a powerful message!