Batman: Robin, look! Something strange is happening in the sky.

Robin: What is it, Batman?

Batman: I'm not sure, but it looks like seven angels with seven trumpets.

Joker: Hahahahahaha! I know what's coming next!

Batman: What is it, Joker?

Joker: The seven angels will sound their trumpets and unleash some disasters!

Catwoman: Oh, no! What kind of disasters?

Batman: Well, the first angel sounded his trumpet and hail and fire mixed with blood fell from the sky, destroying a third of the earth, a third of the trees, and all of the green grass.

Riddler: What about the second angel?

Batman: The second angel sounded his trumpet, and a great mountain of fire fell into the sea, destroying a third of the sea creatures and ships.

Penguin: That sounds terrible! What will the other angels do?

Batman: Let's wait and see...