Batman: Robin, something sinister is happening in the city.

Robin: What is it, Batman?

Batman: According to Revelation 18, Babylon the Great has fallen.

Catwoman: That's right, it's finally happened. The great city of Babylon has been destroyed!

Batman: That's right, Catwoman. All that remains is a great smoke rising up.

Joker: Ha ha, it looks like it's time to move on to greener pastures.

Robin: But why did it fall?

Batman: Ah, Robin that is a good question. According to the chapter, Babylon the Great was destroyed for its many sins and for leading the world astray.

Riddler: And all of its wealth and luxury has been taken away.

Penguin: Even the merchants and shipmasters are mourning the city's fall!

Batman: Indeed, Penguin. This is a somber reminder of the power of God.