Batman: Prepare for the final chapter, Robin! In Revelation 21, God promises a new creation, free from all the horrors of the old world.

Robin: What horrors, Batman?

Batman: The sorrows of death, crying, and pain! And with the new creation will come a new Jerusalem, the home of God's people.

Catwoman: And what of us villains? Will we still be able to cause chaos?

Riddler: I doubt it, Catwoman. The new Jerusalem is described as having walls of jasper, a river of life, and a tree of life bearing 12 kinds of fruit.

Penguin: Sounds like a paradise.

Batman: That's right! And God will dwell there with His people, and wipe away all of their tears.

Robin: What a beautiful ending to the Bible!

Batman: Indeed! The Bible is a book of hope, and its greatest promise is that one day God will make all things new.