Batman: Greetings, old chum! It's time for us to ponder the meaning of Revelation 14.

Robin: You mean, the 14th chapter of the Book of Revelation?

Batman: Precisely! As we know, it speaks of three angels flying in the sky, each with a message for the world.

Joker: Oh, what fun! What do the angels say?

Batman: The first angel proclaims that all who worship the beast will suffer eternal damnation. The second angel announces the fall of Babylon and the third angel proclaims a warning of God's wrath.

Catwoman: How frightful! Is there any hope?

Batman: Yes, Catwoman! As the chapter ends, we are reminded that those who have faith in God will be saved.

Riddler: That's a relief!

Batman: Indeed! Now, let's move on to Revelation 15!