Lois: So what are we talkin' about today, Peter?
Peter: Revelation 14! So, the angel with the eternal gospel is flying around, warning everyone to worship God and avoid the beast. Then an angel from heaven harvests the earth and another angel follows him, shouting that the winepress of God's wrath is full and it's time for judgment.
Stewie: Wow, sounds intense. What else?
Peter: Well, then a third angel follows with a warning against the beast and its mark. And then a voice from heaven says, "Blessed are those who die in the Lord."
Lois: You mean like, "Die Hard?"
Peter: No, Lois, not "Die Hard."
Stewie: Ah, I get it. It's like that one episode of "The Office" where Michael Scott dies.
Peter: No, Stewie, not "The Office."
Lois: So what happens after that?
Peter: Well, then a voice from heaven says, "Fear God and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has come." Then a voice from the four living creatures tells the 24 elders to praise God.
Stewie: Wait, did you say four living creatures? Like from "Pet Sematary?"
Peter: No, Stewie, not "Pet Sematary."