Lois: "Hey Peter, I'm getting bored of reading the Bible, what's the next chapter?"
Peter: "Oh, you're in luck, Lois, it's Revelation 22! It's all about the river of life and the tree of life. Everyone will be healed by the river and the leaves of the tree will be for healing the nations."
Brian: "Hey, wait a minute, I've heard this before. Isn't that from the classic '90s jam 'The River of Life' by MC Hammer?"
Peter: "Uhhhhh.....yeah, sure, Brian. It is. Anyway, there's a bunch of angelic beings in the chapter, too. They're guarding the city gates and the tree of life, so no one can get in or out without permission."
Lois: "That sounds pretty important. What else does it say?"
Peter: "Well, it says that Jesus is coming soon and that everyone should be ready for Him. Oh, and there's a warning about adding or taking away from the text. If you do that, you'll be cursed."
Brian: "Well, that's a bummer. So, what's the takeaway here?"
Peter: "The takeaway is that we should all be ready for Jesus and be careful not to mess with the Bible. And, of course, never forget about the classic MC Hammer song 'The River of Life'!"