Lois: Alright, so this is Revelation 6. Peter: Ok, so what's it about? Lois: Well, it starts with the Lamb of God opening the first of the seven seals. Peter: Is he like a little lamb lamb or a really big one? Lois: No, the Lamb of God is symbolic. Anyway, the first seal opens, and a white horse appears ridden by a figure holding a bow. Peter: Is it like a My Little Pony? 'Cause I'm not sure I'm down with that. Lois: No, Peter, it's not a My Little Pony. This is a sign of war. The second seal releases a fiery red horse ridden by a figure with a giant sword. Peter: Ooh, that's more like it! Lois: The third seal unleashes a black horse, ridden by a figure with a set of scales in his hand. Peter: Is this what those dude bros on the beach are always doing? Lois: No, Peter, the figure is symbolizing the rationing of food. And the fourth seal reveals a pale horse, ridden by a figure called Death. Peter: Whoa, intense. Is it like Thanos? Lois: No, Peter, it's not like Thanos. The figure is symbolic of death itself. Then the fifth seal reveals souls of those who have been martyred for their faith. Peter: Wait, so does that mean I don't get my Star Wars toys? Lois: No, Peter, it's not about Star Wars toys. It's about the ultimate sacrifice. And the sixth seal is opened, bringing with it a great earthquake, the sun turning black, and the moon turning blood red. Peter: That sounds like something out of a horror movie! Lois: Yes, it's quite intense. And finally, the seventh seal is opened, unleashing seven angels with seven trumpets. Peter: Wait, so like the ones you hear at sports games? Lois: No, Peter, these trumpets will announce the coming of God's wrath.