Well folks, it's been an exciting start to the book of Revelation, and chapter 6 is no different. All of a sudden, the heavens part, and out come these four horsemen. Yeah, I know, we thought they were only in Lord of the Rings, but no, apparently they're actually in the Bible, too. I mean, who knew? Anyway, each one of the horsemen has a job to do. One of them has a bow and is given a crown, so I guess he's like the archer king. Another one has a balance, which I guess means he's in charge of the economy. The third one has a pair of scales, so he's probably a lawyer or something. And then there's the fourth one, who just carries a great big sword. The way I see it, he's probably the bouncer. Well anyway, these four horsemen get on their horses and then the first seal is broken. Now, according to the Bible, the breaking of the seals triggers all kinds of disasters and natural disasters. Earthquakes, famine, and death, oh my! And it looks like it's only gonna get worse, folks. So, buckle up.