Lois: Alright, so Revelation 10...
Peter: Oh, I know this one! It's when the angel tells the apostle John to eat the little scroll, right?
Brian: Yeah, and then John eats it and it's sweet in his mouth but it turns bitter in his stomach.
Stewie: Hey, like that time I ate the cereal that said it tastes like strawberry on the box, but it was actually brussels sprouts flavored.
Lois: Alright, guys, let's try to stay focused. So, as Peter said, John is commanded to eat the little scroll and it tastes sweet but turns bitter in his stomach. Then he's told to prophesy again, which is basically just a fancy way of saying he's got to spread the Word.
Peter: Word! Like that game show I used to watch when I was a kid.
Lois: Um, sure, Peter. Anyways, the angel then tells John that he still has to prophesy about many peoples, nations, languages, and kings.
Stewie: So, basically like a high school assembly?
Brian: Yeah, just replace the kings with teachers and you've got the same thing.
Lois: Yep. So, that's Revelation 10.
Peter: Hey, that reminds me of the time I went to my high school reunion and no one remembered me.
Lois: Alright, Peter. Let's move on.