Peter: Hey Lois, I just read Revelation 17.

Lois: What did it say?

Peter: Well, it starts off with an angel showing John a woman riding a beast with seven heads and 10 horns.

Cleveland: Sounds like a bad episode of Game of Thrones.

Peter: Yeah, and then the angel told John that this woman was a symbol of a great city that rules over many nations.

Quagmire: Sounds like a great night out!

Peter: Yeah, but then John was told that the beast was full of evil and blasphemous names and was in league with other beasts.

Brian: Sounds like a bunch of college frat boys.

Peter: Yeah, and then they all went to the lake of fire and were destroyed forever.

Stewie: So it was like a really bad road trip?

Peter: Yeah, pretty much.