• King James Version

    1. After this I looked, and, behold, a door {was} opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard {was} as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

  • Norm

    Well, folks, Revelation 4 is truly the epitome of boring Bible chapters. We've got a throne up in Heaven, some elders wearing crowns, and a bunch of beasts with different numbers of eyes. Yeah, and St. John is there too, but don't get excited - he's just standing there, not doing a single thing.

  • Joe Rogan Experience

    Joe: Alright, so we're discussing Revelation 4. What can you tell us about it? Bible Expert: Well, Joe, Revelation 4 is all about the throne room of God. John the Apostle is taken up to a great and high mountain and sees the throne of God.

  • Jeopardy

    Alex Trebek: Alright, so tell me a bit about yourself. Contestant: Well Alex, I'm an avid student of the Bible, and I'd love to give you a summary of the book of Revelation, starting with chapter 4! Alex Trebek: *sigh* Uh, okay.

  • Drill Sergeant

    Listen up, recruits! Revelation 4 is a vision of God's throne room in heaven. It's a wild scene! The One who sits on the throne is described as having eyes like fire, and His voice is like the sound of many waters.

  • Batman

    Batman: Holy Stairway to Heaven, Robin! What's going on here? Robin: It looks like we're in Heaven, Batman! There's a throne with a figure sitting on it, and around the throne are twenty-four other thrones with twenty-four elders sitting on them.

  • Joe Biden

    Listen, Jack, here's the deal – no malarkey! The Lord Almighty is sitting on His throne in Heaven, and it is literally like nothing you've ever seen in your life. It's a sight that'll take your breath away, I tell you what.

  • Donald Trump

    Revelation 4 is the most amazing chapter! It's very, very wild! In it, we see God the Father at the center of a throne in the sky, surrounded by four amazing creatures that represent all four directions.

  • Family Guy

    Peter: Alright, so Revelation Chapter 4... Stewie: Oh boy, I can't wait to hear what happens next! Brian: Yeah, this should be good. Peter: So, it starts with John seeing a door in the heavens open, and a voice invites him to come up.