Peter: Alright everyone, buckle up for the summary of Acts 12! So, King Herod, being a bit of a douchebag, had James, the brother of John, executed by the sword. But when he had Peter arrested, the church prayed earnestly for Peter's deliverance, and what do ya know - an angel of the Lord comes and busts Peter out of jail!
Lois: Wow, like in The Shawshank Redemption!
Peter: Right, but he had to go through a bit of a struggle first. After the angel struck off his chains, they had to walk past the two guards, who were sound asleep.
Stewie: Like when I take my afternoon nap!
Peter: Haha, yeah, exactly. And after that, the angel took Peter to the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark, where the church was praying for him. But when Peter got there, he kept knocking on the door and everyone inside thought it was a spirit, so they didn't open up!
Brian: Sounds like my last Tinder date.
Peter: Hah! Anyway, Peter kept knocking until finally, Rhoda, a servant girl, opened the door. And when everyone heard that it was Peter, they were all so shocked they didn't believe it was him!
Meg: That's just like when I got my driver's license and everyone thought it was fake!
Peter: Yeah, right. Anyway, Peter then told them not to be surprised, and after that he left. But the church couldn't stop talking about it.
Lois: Oh, like when I told everyone I saw the new Star Wars movie!