Peter: Okay, so, in Acts 22 we find Paul all chained up and surrounded by a mob. He tells them he used to be a persecutor, but then he became a Christian, and he had a vision from God.

Lois: Wait, I thought Paul was a Christian before he had the vision?

Peter: Yeah, that's what I just said. Anyways, Paul tells the mob he was on his way to Damascus when he had the vision, and he was blinded.

Brian: Oh yeah, like the movie, Blinded by the Light!

Lois: That's not what happened here, Brian.

Peter: But it's a great movie. Anyways, so then Paul's friends take him to the street called Straight, and he's healed.

Chris: But then he's arrested again and taken to the Roman governor, Felix.

Peter: Right, and Paul talks about his faith and how he's innocent, but Felix doesn't believe him and puts him in prison.

Stewie: Ha, just like in Shawshank Redemption!

Lois: Not quite, Stewie.

Peter: Anyways, so then Paul meets Governor Festus, who doesn't believe him either, and Paul appeals to Caesar.

Brian: Oh, like Julius Caesar!

Lois: No, Brian, not like Julius Caesar.

Peter: So, then Paul is taken to Rome, and the chapter ends with Paul preaching to the Jews.

Lois: So, that's it?

Peter: Yep, that's it.

Brian: Hey, like the movie, The End!