Peter: Alright, so in Act 2, we see the Holy Spirit descend on the disciples and the Apostles start preaching in different languages.

Lois: Wait, so they just started speaking other languages?

Bertram: Yeah, like that show "Taken".

Peter: Not quite. But they were granted the ability to speak in other languages so they could spread the Gospel to all kinds of people.

Brian: So they were just, like, speaking in tongues?

Stewie: I'm not sure if that's the term they would use, but yes.

Lois: Wow, I guess the Lord really does work in mysterious ways.

Bertram: Just like the mystery of why Jack Bauer never ages.

Peter: Anyways, this event caused a lot of attention and people from all over the world were coming to Jerusalem to hear the Apostles.

Brian: Sounds like it was a real party.

Stewie: Yeah, I bet the disciples were having a blast.

Lois: But I'm sure they were still spreading the word of the Lord.

Bertram: You know, like the word of the Lord in Game of Thrones.