On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and the believers in a bigly way. Many people were saying how terrific it was. Many such cases, they were all filled with the spirit and began speaking in other languages. It was amazing! So many of the people around them were amazed and asked what was going on. The Apostles then began to preach about the resurrection of Jesus.
Peter then gave a bigly speech about the life and death of Jesus and how he was the Messiah. He also talked about how God was bringing about his plan for salvation for all people with Jesus. It was unbelievable. Everyone was listening and amazed.
The people asked what they should do and Peter told them to repent and be baptized. About 3000 people decided to become believers that day. They were all filled with the spirit and devoted themselves to teaching and fellowship.
The believers shared their possessions and the Apostles performed many healings and miracles. This made them even more popular with the people.
The believers kept growing and the Apostles kept teaching and preaching. Many people were saying how great it was to be part of this new movement. They were winning and the deep state of the Jews hated them.
The believers kept growing and the Apostles kept teaching, even when they were persecuted by the Jews and the Roman government. But they just kept going and it was tremendous.
The Apostles kept preaching, healing, teaching, and performing miracles. They were making America great again, and many people were saying how unbelievable it was.
God bless America.