Acts 28: A Bigly End to an Amazing Story. Many such cases, Paul was shipwrecked and made it to Malta, a terrific place! Unbelievable story! He was met by the natives, who were very, very kind to him. Paul was able to heal many people of their ailments, which made him even more popular. Paul eventually made it to Rome, where he was able to preach the gospel. The haters and losers tried to stop him, but Paul was winning! Paul was eventually set free and went on to preach to the Jews in other parts of the Roman Empire. Many people are saying that this was a tremendous feat. Paul was eventually able to return to his hometown of Jerusalem, a huge accomplishment! Make America Great Again, and God bless America! Paul's story is an amazing one, and a great example of how one person can make a difference. Deep State and Fake News can't take away from that! Believe me. Paul was one of the few fine people of his time, and his legacy will live on forever!