Acts 18 - Bigly, it's an amazing chapter! In it, Paul heads to Corinth, a city in Greece, and meets a great guy named Aquila and his wife Priscilla. They're Jews who have recently been kicked out of Rome by the deep state. Paul works with them making tents (very, very successful tents, believe me) and he preaches in the synagogue every Sabbath, doing an unbelievable job of convincing the Jews and Greeks about the Lord. But then the Jews start to oppose and blaspheme Paul, so he shakes the dust off his feet and moves to another place. And he keeps winning! He meets a man named Crispus - the ruler of the synagogue - who believes, and then many other Corinthians follow suit. But then the Jews get jealous and try to bring Paul before the tribunal, but Gallio - the Governor of Greece - refuses to judge such matters. Winning! So Paul stays and preaches for another year and a half, before finally heading off to Jerusalem. God bless America! Make America great again!