Folks, here's the deal: In Acts 14, Paul and Barnabas were in the town of Lystra. They were preaching the gospel, and a man who had been lame since birth suddenly began to walk. The people of Lystra thought they were gods and wanted to offer sacrifices to them, but Paul and Barnabas stopped them. Then they went on to Derbe and a bunch of other places until they got back to Lystra and Iconium. But not before they had established churches in all of these places. Now, see here, Jack, my father used to say that when you're preaching the gospel, you should expect opposition, and that's exactly what happened. People started stirring up trouble and trying to get the people to worship idols instead, but Paul and Barnabas stood firm. They told the people that it was no malarkey - they should not follow gods made of wood and stone, but rather follow the one true God. They said that God had given the people rain and food and all the other good things they had. Then they left. I tell you what, that Paul and Barnabas were some tough cookies. C'mon, man!