Folks! Here's the deal. Acts 8 is all about spreading the good news of what Jesus had done. This Philip guy, he was one of the first evangelists, he was out there sharing the news with everybody he could. I'm not joking, he was literally going from town to town, preaching his message. And then, no malarkey, he met this Ethiopian eunuch who was searching for truth. So Philip, he explains the gospel to him, you know, about Jesus dying and rising from the dead, and that he was the Son of God. Oh, and this is the best part. Listen, Jack, the eunuch is so excited that he immediately decides to get baptized. I mean, he had been searching for so long, and suddenly he found the answer. See here, Jack, that's what faith is all about. And then what happens? This spirit of God takes Philip away to another place. It's like he was on a mission, and God was sending him where he needed to go. That's how this chapter ends. My father used to say miracles can happen when you least expect it. I'm telling you, it's true.