Batman: Robin, something is afoot in the city.

Robin: What is it, Batman?

Batman: It appears that Paul has been brought before the governor, Felix.

Catwoman: How intriguing! What does the wily Paul have to say for himself?

Batman: Paul is giving a passionate defense of his faith and his innocence. He speaks at length of his belief in the resurrection of the dead.

Joker: Hahahaha! What a load of rubbish!

Robin: Joker, don't be so dismissive of Paul's beliefs!

Batman: Felix is convinced by Paul's argument, and orders him to be held in custody until a decision can be made.

Riddler: This is an interesting development! What will happen next?

Batman: Felix is hoping that Paul will offer him a bribe, but Paul refuses. After two years, Felix is replaced by a new governor, and Paul is released.

Robin: What a relief!

Batman: Yes, Robin. Paul is free to continue his work spreading the Gospel.