Batman: Things look grim for Joseph, Robin! He's been thrown into prison on false accusations.

Robin: What can we do, Batman?

Batman: We'll work on getting Joseph out of prison, but first, let's see what happens next.

Joker: Oh, I know what happens next! I heard that two of Pharaoh's servants were also thrown into prison.

Robin: What happened to them?

Joker: They both had dreams that they couldn't interpret, so they asked Joseph for help.

Batman: Joseph was able to interpret their dreams, and he predicted that one of them would be freed soon and the other would be executed.

Robin: That's amazing, Batman!

Joker: Yeah, but the one who was freed forgot all about Joseph. He didn't even mention him to Pharaoh.

Batman: That's too bad.

Robin: But Joseph's luck changed soon enough. The Pharaoh had a dream, and he remembered Joseph's ability to interpret dreams. Joseph was brought out of prison to interpret the Pharaoh's dream.

Joker: And Joseph's interpretation was spot on! The Pharaoh was so impressed that he put Joseph in charge of his whole kingdom.

Batman: It just goes to show that justice is always served in the end.