Peter: Alright, so this one's from the book of Genesis. Chapter 40.

Brian: That's the one about Joseph in prison, right?

Peter: Yup. So, Joseph is in prison, but he's doing alright 'cause the warden put him in charge of all the other prisoners.

Lois: That's so Joseph. Always making the best of a bad situation.

Peter: Yeah, and then the warden's cupbearer and baker get thrown in jail and they both have dreams. So Joseph interprets them and they come true.

Brian: Wow, Joseph was like a dream whisperer!

Lois: Yeah, like that guy from the movie Dreamcatcher!

Peter: Right. So the baker gets executed, but the cupbearer gets to go home, and he totally forgets about Joseph.

Brian: That's pretty messed up! He should have remembered the guy who saved his life!

Lois: Yeah, like that one episode of Friends where Joey forgets to thank the guy who got him his job.