Peter: Alright, so in Genesis 43, the brothers head back to Egypt with Benjamin to see Joseph.

Lois: Oh, I love Joseph! He's so dreamy.

Brian: Ugh, not this again.

Peter: When they get there, the brothers give Joseph an even bigger present of gifts than before.

Stewie: Wow, what generous brothers!

Brian: As long as one of the gifts wasn't an iPhone.

Peter: Joseph invites the brothers to his house and the steward of Joseph's house recognizes them, but Joseph doesn't reveal his identity.

Lois: What a tease!

Stewie: Yeah, like when I didn't tell Brian that I was the one who ate the last slice of pizza.

Brian: That was you?

Peter: Anyway, Joseph gets all emotional when he sees Benjamin and he takes them to have a private meal with him.

Lois: That's so romantic.

Peter: And then Joseph reveals his true identity and forgives them for what they did to him.

Stewie: Wow, that's a real tearjerker.

Brian: Yeah, like when I found out I was adopted.