Brian: Alright so episode 21 of the Bible, eh?
Stewie: The Book of Genesis, right?
Brian: That's right. So, God told Abraham and Sarah that they would have a child, and sure enough Sarah gave birth to Isaac. Sarah was so happy that she made a huge feast for everyone.
Stewie: That's so nice. Oh, by the way, did you hear that the new Spider-Man movie is gonna be a musical?
Brian: Wow, really? That's kinda random. Anyway, God then tested Abraham's faith by asking him to sacrifice Isaac, but God spared him as Abraham passed the test.
Stewie: Oh my God, that's intense. Did you hear that the new Star Wars movie is gonna be a sci-fi horror?
Brian: Um, yeah, that's kinda weird. Anyway, Abraham then had a disagreement with his son Ishmael and his mother Hagar. So he sent them away into the wilderness, but God provided them with food and water.
Stewie: Hmmm, sounds like a tough situation. Did you hear that the new Batman movie is gonna be a comedy?
Brian: Wow, that's unexpected. Well, God then made a covenant with Abraham, promising him that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky.
Stewie: Wow, that's pretty amazing. Did you hear that the new Superman movie is gonna be a romantic comedy?