Peter: Alright, so in Genesis 17, God tells Abram that he's gonna change his name to Abraham, and his wife Sarai's name to Sarah.

Lois: Woah, that's a lot of name changes!

Brian: Yeah, and God also promises Abraham that he's gonna have a bunch of kids, as many as the stars in the sky.

Stewie: Not to mention that God says He'll make Abraham's descendants into a great nation.

Peter: Yeah, and then God tells Abraham that all the males in his family should get circumcised.

Lois: Yeah, and it's a sign of Abraham's covenant with God that his descendants will always follow Him.

Brian: Wow, talk about a lot of changes!

Stewie: Yeah, and all of Abraham's descendants have to keep this covenant with God forever.

Peter: Well, as they say, nothing can stand in the way of God's plan!