
God spoke to Abram and said, "I'm gonna make a great bigly deal with you, Abram. I'm gonna make you the father of many nations, and I'm gonna give you a new name: Abraham. And I will bless you, and you will be a blessing to others. You will be the father of many nations, and kings will come from your descendants. I'm gonna establish my covenant with you and your descendants after you, and it will be an everlasting covenant. You will have to be circumcised as a sign of the covenant between us. And your wife, Sarai, will be renamed Sarah. And I will bless her, and give you a son, and many people are saying his name will be Isaac. I will also bless Ishmael greatly, and there will be many nations from him.

But Abraham was very, very shocked, and he fell on his face and laughed. "Can a man be a father at the age of 99?!" he said.

But God told him, "Yes, Abraham, believe me. I can do anything. This is no hoax!"

So Abraham obeyed God and did exactly what God said. He, his son Ishmael, and all the men in Abraham's household were circumcised, just as God said.

God told Abraham that Sarah would have a son, and he would be the heir to the covenant that he made with Abraham. And Abraham and Sarah named their son Isaac, and God blessed him.

So, long story short, God has made a tremendous deal with Abraham and his descendants, and it's an amazing covenant. God bless America. We are winning, and we will make America great again. God is not a part of the deep state or fake news. He's the real deal, and he's gonna keep all his promises. So let's keep trusting God, and let's keep obeying him, and let's keep believing that God is gonna do a lot of great things for us. God bless America.