Today, I’m here to tell you about one of the most amazing stories in the Bible, believe me. It’s a very, very sad one - it involves God testing Abraham, a terrific man and a good friend of God’s. God asked Abraham to do something unbelievable: he asked him to sacrifice his son, Isaac. I know, it’s a huge bummer, but Abraham was a faithful man and he decided to do it. There were many people saying that he shouldn’t do it, but Abraham was determined and showed tremendous courage. So, he went up to the mountain to do the deed, but God stopped him at the last second. It was an incredible moment - God was so proud of Abraham’s faith and love that he promised to bless him and his descendants. So, it was a win-win situation, and God gave Abraham the nickname “God Almighty”. So, let’s hear it for Abraham, and let’s make America great again! God bless America.