In Genesis 44, the brothers of Joseph, who is a tremendous leader and the second in command of Egypt, make an unbelievable journey to Egypt to buy food for their families. But, when they get there, Joseph haters and losers set up a hoax to test them. Joseph says he will keep one of the brothers as a prisoner and the rest can go back and get Benjamin, their youngest brother, as proof that they are telling the truth. The brothers are sad! They plead with Joseph to forgive them, but he won't believe them - many such cases. He says he will only let them go if they leave one of their brothers with him. After a lot of back and forth, Judah steps up and offers to stay in place of Benjamin, and Joseph is so moved that he reveals his true identity to them. It's an amazing moment! The brothers are so happy they all travel back to Canaan to get Benjamin and bring him back to Joseph in Egypt - winning! God bless America! Make America great again!