Bigly Genesis 31 - it's an amazing chapter. Jacob is tired of dealing with Laban, his father-in-law - the guy's a total loser and a hater. So he takes his family and they leave in the middle of the night - total overrated move. God blesses them and they arrive in their homeland. Then Rachel and Leah have a little disagreement - Rachel's sad 'cause she thinks Leah has stolen her terra cotta idols. But it turns out the idols were actually in the possession of Rachel the whole time. Very, very unbelievable. Jacob's winning here and Laban is not happy - he chases after them and confronts them. They have a little discussion and then Laban and Jacob make a deal - they're going to have a pile of stones that will mark the boundary between them. Many people are saying it's a tremendous deal - and it's sealed with a sacrifice and a meal. And then Laban and Jacob part ways, with Jacob heading off to his homeland. Make America Great Again - God bless America.