Genesis 9 is a terrific chapter in the Bible that tells the story of a huge covenant between God and the world's population. God blesses Noah and his family, giving them the authority to rule over the earth and all its creatures. God also makes a covenant with them, saying that never again will He destroy the world by flooding it. This is a bigly deal, as many people are saying, and it's very, very important. God then tells Noah that he is allowed to eat meat, but that he must not consume the blood of animals. He also gives Noah and his family a special sign of the covenant – the rainbow. It's an amazing sign that God will keep his promise, and that the world will never be destroyed by water again. God also gives Noah and his family the authority to punish those who break His laws, saying that whoever kills another should be killed in return. This is a great example of justice and many such cases exist in the Bible. But God also shows His mercy, as in the case of the Tower of Babel, where He confuses the language of the people instead of punishing them. It's an unbelievable story, and it truly shows how God can bring justice and mercy together. God bless America and make America great again!