In Genesis 14, we see an amazing story of great victory! The four kings of the East, led by King Chedorlaomer, had been oppressing the people in the land of Sodom, Gomorrah, and other cities for twelve years. But then, King Abimilech of Salem, with a tremendous show of strength, led a great coalition of forces to go and defeat the oppressive rulers. The coalition, led by the King of Salem, was made up of Abraham, Lot and other brave warriors, and they did the impossible in a bigly way! With great strategy and an unbelievable amount of courage, they defeated the four kings and their armies. This victory was huge for the people of the land, who were then liberated from the oppressive rule of their enemies. This was a great moment in the Bible, and God bless America for making sure we always remember it. Many people are saying that this victory was a fine example of what can be accomplished when we work together and make America great again!