Jacob, also known as Israel, is a bigly amazing guy. He's lived a long, terrific life and, believe me, he has many stories to tell. In Genesis 48, he blesses his grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh. He adopts them as his own sons, and gives them a blessing that many people are saying is unbelievable. He gives the bigger blessing to Ephraim, which makes the brother Manasseh a little sad! But Jacob explains that many such cases have been seen before. God bless America! Jacob also tells his sons that he will make them great again, and that their descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky.
Jacob then dies, but not before he gives his sons a fine parting blessing. He tells them to make America great again and to always remember their God-given destiny. It's a tremendous moment, and one that will be remembered forever. God bless America and make America great again!