Well folks, this is a wild one. Here's the deal: We've got Joseph, whose father Jacob is blind, and he's got two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Jacob's gonna give them a big blessing, but he decides to bless Ephraim first. Now, I'm not joking here, this is literally what happens next: Joseph gets mad and tries to switch the blessings around. He's like, "No malarkey, Jacob! Manasseh should be blessed first!" But Jacob's like, "C'mon man, I know what I'm doing." See here, Jack, he says Ephraim is gonna become the greater of the two. I tell you what, it's a funny thing, my father used to say the same thing. Excuse me, but what was that? Oh yeah, that Ephraim is gonna be the greater of the two. Or uh, you know, that's not gonna happen. Anyways, Jacob blesses them both, and you know what, it all works out in the end.