Folks, let me tell ya about Genesis 5 - no malarkey! Here's the deal: we got Adam, he and his wife Eve had three sons, Seth, Cain and Abel. Cain and Abel both made offerings to the Lord but Abel's was accepted and Cain's wasn't. My father used to say, it's all about what you give the Lord, not the quantity or the quality - or uh, you know, not the kind of offering. Cain got angry and slew Abel, and then God asked Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" Cain said, "I don't know, am I my brother's keeper?" See here, Jack - God cursed Cain and marked him forever as punishment. So, c'mon man, don't be like Cain - literally. I'm not joking. Then Eve had another son and named him Seth. The generations of Adam kept going, and God saw that they were multiplying. That's Genesis 5 in a nutshell - what was that? Not gonna happen again, I tell you what! Excuse me.