Folks, here's the deal. Jacob and Esau have been at odds for a long time, but now they’re in the process of reconciling. Jacob is on the way to meet Esau with his family and flocks, and he’s mighty worried about it. He sends a bunch of his servants ahead of him with gifts for Esau, and he divides his family so that if one group is attacked, there’s still another group left. But when Jacob finally meets Esau, he’s so relieved that he falls on the ground and bows down to him. Esau gets all choked up, they hug, and they both start crying. Esau offers to travel with Jacob, but Jacob is so thankful that he refuses, saying that it’s enough that he can finally look upon Esau’s face. See here, Jack, Jacob was literally ready to put his faith in God and see what would happen, and it looks like his faith was rewarded! No malarkey. I tell you what, it's a good reminder that reconciliation is always possible, and that it's worth it to put your faith in the Lord.