Folks, here's the deal: Jacob sent all his family to go find some idols and get rid of them. C'mon, man! And get this, he then had a vision from God who told him to go to Bethel. I tell you what, that was a long time ago. And then God told him to change his name to Israel, no malarkey! I'm not joking, Jacob said that the name was given to him because he had wrestled with God. See here, Jack, he then went back to Bethel and built an altar there. Not gonna happen, he was afraid of the people in the area. Excuse me, my father used to say that God told him that all his descendants would spread out and be numerous. What was that? Jacob had 12 sons and one daughter, and each of these sons had their own tribe, literally. Or uh, you know, he then went to his father's house and died, and all his family went back to Egypt. Listen, Jack, it's a long story but the lesson is clear: God will always keep his promises.