Folks, here's the deal: God told Abraham to leave his homeland and go to a place he didn't know. C'mon, man! So Abraham packed up his family and traveled to Canaan. No malarkey! My father used to say that if you want to be successful, you have to be willing to take a risk and go out of your comfort zone. So Abraham took the risk and was blessed. I'm not joking! God promised to make him a great nation and to make his name great. See here, Jack, he also promised to give him the land of Canaan. What was that? And Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. Or uh, you know, he was declared righteous because of his faith. Not gonna happen? That's right. Literally! So Abraham settled in the land of Canaan and God kept his promise. I tell you what, he made Abraham prosperous and blessed him in every way. Excuse me!