Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking when I say that this chapter of the Bible is one of the most amazing, literally. It starts off with the floodwaters receding, and God sending a dove out to explore the world. Well, no malarkey, the dove came back with a freshly plucked olive leaf in its beak. That's when God said, "Enough is enough," and sent all the living creatures out of the ark. Then, my father used to say, God made a covenant with the people and all the animals, and said never again will a flood destroy the earth. See here, Jack, God put a rainbow in the sky as a reminder of his promise. And, uh, you know, he said, "Whenever I see the rainbow, I will remember this covenant I made with all the living creatures." What was that? A promise that would never be broken? Not gonna happen! I tell you what, this is one of the most beautiful and touching stories in the Bible. Excuse me, but it's also a reminder of the power of faith.