Listen, Jack, what was that? The brothers of Joseph went down to Egypt to buy food because there was a famine in the land. C'mon, man! Joseph was the governor of Egypt, and he recognized his brothers, but they didn't recognize him. My father used to say, "Folks, it's a good thing Joseph was in charge, or else they would have been in trouble. Literally." See here, Jack, Joseph accused them of being spies and put them in prison for three days. Excuse me, but then he let them go, but he kept one of them with him as a hostage and sent the others back with food. Or uh, you know, he said that if they wanted to see their brother again, they had to come back with their youngest brother. No malarkey! I'm not joking - they were scared to tell their father, but eventually they did. Here's the deal: when they came back with their youngest brother, Benjamin, Joseph had a great feast for them. He was testing them to see if they had changed their ways and were now honoring their father. Not gonna happen - he even accused them of stealing his goblet on their way out. But in the end, Joseph revealed himself to his brothers and they were reunited after so many years.