Listen, Jack: We got some serious trouble in Genesis 19. Lot and his family are living in the city of Sodom and Gomorrah, and they are about to get wiped off the face of the map. Two angels show up to warn Lot and his family to get out of town – and I'm not joking, c'mon man! – and the people of Sodom try to break into the house to get at the angels. But Lot steps up and protects them – literally. He stands up to the crowd and says no malarkey! Here's the deal: "Please, my brothers, don't do such a wicked thing. See here, Jack: I've got two virgin daughters and you can do with them what you like, but don't do anything to these men, because they've come under the protection of my roof." Long story short, the angels blind the men of Sodom and Lot and his family get out of town just in time. My father used to say that you should always be watchful of divine intervention, and that's what we see here. I tell you what, folks: you don't want to mess with the Almighty! Excuse me, but what was that? Literally don't mess with God, or uh, you know, it's not gonna happen.