Hey, folks, literally this is the deal: God said to Abram, c'mon, man, no malarkey! He said, "I'm gonna make a covenant between us, and I'm gonna make you into a great nation - you'll have a lot of kids." So Abram said, "How can I be sure of this?" See here, Jack - God said, "Take me a heifer, a goat, and a ram, cut 'em in half, and put the halves opposite each other - that'll be the sign of the covenant." So Abram did just that, and God made a covenant with him. Then my father used to say, God said to Abram, "Your descendants will be like the stars in the sky - literally, I'm not joking - and they will take over the land where the Canaanites live." Hear me out, Jack - God said, "You'll be buried in the same land." Excuse me, but what was that - God said, "This will happen, or uh, you know, it's not gonna happen." I tell you what, folks - the Lord was with Abram, and he was a very wealthy man. End of story.