Folks, here's the deal. It's a big chapter, literally. My father used to say, "Genesis 17 is like a big ol' stew with lots of ingredients," and he wasn't joking. C'mon, man. God appears to Abram and tells him to change his name to Abraham. Or uh, you know, God also changes Sarah's name to Sarah. See here, Jack, God makes a covenant with Abraham and tells him he's gonna have a son and the kid's gonna be the father of a whole bunch of nations. What was that? Abraham laughs at the idea. But God says it's gonna happen, no malarkey! Abraham is 99 and Sarah is 89, so it's not gonna happen any time soon. I tell you what, they both get circumcised as a sign of the covenant. But it's not just Abraham and Sarah, God tells Abraham that all the men in his household must be circumcised too. See here, Jack. God also promises Abraham that the land of Canaan will belong to him and his descendants and it will be their forever. Excuse me, folks, that's a big promise.