"Folks, I'm telling you, this is a story of biblical proportions! See here, Jack, you got Isaac, who's getting old and he's ready to pass on his blessing to his son. But his son Jacob's got other ideas…literally! He wants to get the blessing from Isaac, and so he disguises himself as his brother Esau, and gets his hands on the blessing. C'mon, man, it's like something out of a movie! Listen, Jack, my father used to say, 'you got to be careful who you trust', and I'm not joking, Jacob found that out the hard way. He tricked his father and got away with it, but Esau was mad as a hornet, excuse me, I mean, he was madder than a hornet. So I tell you what, Jacob had to run away, and he didn't look back till he got to his father's cousin. What was that? This is the story of Jacob and Esau, and let me tell you, no malarkey, it ain't gonna happen like that today! Or uh, you know, it's a different world now. You got to do things the right way, and that's the deal. Literally."