Listen, Jack, here's the deal. I'm not joking. This chapter is literally about Pharaoh and a dream he had. See here, Jack, he was troubled by it and he was trying to figure out what it meant. So, he called together all the wise men of Egypt, but nobody could interpret it. Then, one of the prisoners, Joseph, spoke up and said, "I can interpret it, no malarkey!" Pharaoh was so impressed that he put Joseph in charge of all of Egypt, and it worked out really well. A famine came and Joseph was able to save the people. My father used to say, "You gotta be prepared for anything, folks!" And Joseph was prepared. What was that? Literally saved the country. Excuse me. I tell you what, it's a good lesson for all of us. We need to be prepared for anything. Or uh, you know, not gonna happen, it's an important lesson. C'mon, man!