Listen, Jack, here's the deal. My father used to say, if you don't take care of the little things, then the big things won't happen. That's why, uh, I'm not jokin', c'mon man, when Judah didn't take care of the situation with his daughter-in-law Tamar, it literally opened the door for a series of events that changed the entire course of history. See here, Jack, Tamar was promised to Judah's son Er who, uh, you know, was wicked in the Lord's sight, so the Lord killed him. But Judah didn't provide Tamar with a husband from his other sons, so she resorted to deception and tricked Judah into getting her pregnant. No malarkey, folks! What was that? Judah was so angry at the deception that he wanted to have Tamar killed, but then he found out that she was carrying his child, so he changed his mind. Or uh, you know, he literally saved her life, and she gave birth to twin boys—Perez and Zerah. I'm not jokin'! And here's the thing, those boys were an important part of the lineage of Jesus. So folks, the moral of the story is, sometimes it's best to take care of the little things, 'cause they can have a big impact. I tell you what, if Judah hadn't done right by Tamar, no one would be talking about Jesus today. Not gonna happen. Excuse me.