Folks, listen up. Here's the deal. I'm not joking--we're gonna go through the Bible chapter by chapter. Literally. My father used to say, "Knowledge is power!" See here, Jack, Genesis 46:1-4. What was that? This chapter is all about Joseph, who's the son of Jacob. So, Jacob was told by God to take his family and move down to Egypt. C'mon, man! Jacob was so excited he literally took all his kin with him, including his sons and their wives and their children. And he even took his livestock, his donkeys, and all his possessions. He was like, "I'm not gonna let anything stop me from getting to Egypt!" But that's not all, folks. I tell you what: Jacob was so excited to see Joseph again, he didn't even stop to rest. No malarkey! Or uh, you know, he literally went down to Egypt with his entire family and they settled there. Not gonna happen. Excuse me, but that's the long and short of it.