Listen, Jack, here's the deal with Genesis 29: Jacob's been wandering around and he's finally come across the well where his Uncle Laban lives. Now, this Laban fella has two daughters, and Jacob immediately falls in love with the daughter named Rachel. So, he says to Laban, "Hey, if I work for you for seven years, can I marry Rachel?" Laban says, "Oh sure, no malarkey!" So, Jacob works for seven years, and then he says to Laban, "It's time for me to marry Rachel now!" And Laban says, "Oh, uh, you know, I'm sorry, Jacob, but I got one more trick up my sleeve. You gotta work for me for another seven years before you can marry Rachel." So, Jacob agrees, and he works seven more years, and then he gets to marry Rachel. That's Genesis 29, folks! My father used to say, "C'mon, man, don't trust anyone until you've done business with them for at least fourteen years!" I'm not joking! See here, Jack, fourteen years is the least you can do! Otherwise, what was that? You gonna get taken for a ride, literally! Not gonna happen, I tell you what. Excuse me.