Folks, here's the deal. Adam and Eve, man, they got tricked by the serpent, c'mon! See, the serpent said that if they ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, no malarkey, they'd become like God, but my father used to say that was a bunch of hooey. So, Adam and Eve, uh, you know, they ate the fruit and then realized they were naked, excuse me, so they hid from God. What was that? God said, "Who told you that you were naked?" Listen, Jack, they tried to blame it on each other, but come on, man, God knew exactly what happened. Then, literally, God cursed the snake and said that enmity will be between it and humans forever. I'm not joking, I tell you what. But God was merciful and gave Adam and Eve garments of skin to cover themselves. That's Genesis 3, not gonna happen again.