Peter: Alright, so the Bible chapter for today is Genesis 3. So, there's this snake and he's like, "Hey, maybe you should eat this apple." But God said not to, so then Adam and Eve got all scared and hid from God. So, God's like, "What did you do?" And they're like, "Ummm, nothing?" So God's like "That's it, you're outta here!" And then he kicks them off the farm and sends them to live in the hood, or something. Oh, and then he cursed the snake, so now it has to slither around on its belly and eat dust. So, like, don't mess with God, I guess? That's the moral of the story. And I think that's why they call it the Garden of Eden, 'cause it's like, if you get kicked out, you're really in the doghouse. Am I right, Brian?
Brian: Eh, that's one way to look at it. But really, the moral of the story is that disobedience has consequences. And, don't trust snakes. That's a lesson we should all remember.